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RA Dennis R. Jlussi

Rechtsanwalt (German Attorney-at-Law), Managing Director, Founder

"It's important to me that we take startups and their concerns and goals seriously, but not ourselves as lawyers too much. Great ideas don't get implemented for the sake of lawyers; as lawyers, we need to find solutions for the sake of the great idea."


Dennis has been in the StartUp cosmos since 2007. Back then, he joined the founding team of a (now quite well-known) German-American startup and was its general counsel for nine years. Dennis has also breathed Silicon Valley air in the meantime, when he spent a few months at a large law firm in Palo Alto. He has a keen eye for the business needs of companies (and startups in particular) - he has more to offer young companies than "just" legal advice.

By nature, Dennis deals with information technology law, copyright law and intellectual property law. As part of his academic work at the Institute for Legal Informatics at the Leibniz University of Hanover, he was primarily involved in telecommunications, data protection and competition law. However, he has long since become - like any good general counsel - a generalist in business law who is able to unerringly assess practically all legal issues arising in a company. He can also be asked about the structure and organization of an in-house legal department and compliance management.

Dennis also enjoys advising on U.S. law, such as the formation of a Delaware corporation, as well as U.S. copyright and privacy laws.

In addition, as an amateur soccer referee and volunteer sports judge, his passion belongs to sports law, where he advises clubs pro bono.


At the Hanover-based commercial law firm Herfurth & Partner Dennis is an attorney for technology law, focusing in particular on data protection, data security and legal issues of Industrie 4.0. The firm, which Dennis joined in 2014 (initially Of Counsel), is part of the global Alliuris alliance and has received several awards for its outstanding work in cross-border corporate transactions.

From 2007 to 2017, Dennis served as General Counsel for one of Germany's better-known startups, including US law through close ties across the Atlantic. He was part of the company's founding team and provided legal guidance throughout its development.


Dennis was a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Legal Informatics (IRI) at Leibniz Universität Hannover for three years. His academic work there focused on cybercrime, IT security law, competition law, telecommunications law, data protection law, and copyright law. 

Dennis has also taught European IT law as an adjunct lecturer to two years of Master's students in IT security at the esiea (Grande École des Ingénieurs) Paris.

Studies and legal clerkship

Dennis studied political science and law in Potsdam and Hannover. During his studies he was involved in the academic and student self-administration, was a founding member of the student consultancy  uniClever and later HiWi first at Gleber & Kollegen Rechtsanwälte and then at the Institute for Legal Informatics (IRI). His studies focused on European Internal Market Law with an emphasis on IT Law. His final thesis (quasi diploma thesis) in Telecommunications Data Protection Law was awarded the Graduate Prize of the German Foundation for Law and Information Technology (DSRI). Dennis passed the first state examination with distinction.

During his legal clerkship, Dennis was drawn to the Chamber for Commercial Matters (KfH) at the Regional Court of Hanover. After another stint at the Public Prosecutor's Office, he worked on planning approval procedures (esp. for railroad infrastructure) at the Lower Saxony State Transport Authority before joining the law firm  SWRJ with a focus on real estate and family law. The highlight for Dennis, however, was the time spent in Silicon Valley that followed. In the department of WilmerHale, a major international law firm, in Palo Alto, which specializes in startups, he was able to feel the pulse of Silicon Valley, think along with the mindset and learn many things. Dennis also passed the second state exam with distinction.

Industrie 4.0 und Dateneigentum
Beitrag in Ulrich Herfurth (Hrsg.): Industrie 4.0 in Eckpunkten – Ein interdisziplinärer Querschnitt, Hannover 2016, S. 151 ff.

Industrie 4.0 und Datenschutz
Beitrag in Ulrich Herfurth (Hrsg.): Industrie 4.0 in Eckpunkten – Ein interdisziplinärer Querschnitt, Hannover 2016, S. 145 ff.

Hinweispflicht auf Möglichkeit eines Fortsetzungsfeststellungsantrags im Unterbringungsverfahren
Urteilsanmerkung, NZFam 2015, S. 1029

Keine anlasslosen Zwischenberichte des befreiten Betreuers
Urteilsanmerkung, NZFam 2014, S. 561

Hard Court Heroes
Übersetzung der amtl. Leitsätze und Besprechung der Hartplatzhelden-Entscheidung des BGH
Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (JIPITEC) 2011, S. 250-257.

Security-Tools vs. Computer-Strafrecht: Good Practice bei IT-Sicherheitsaudits
IT-SICHERHEIT – Fachmagazin für Informationssicherheit und Compliance 6/2010, S. 50f.
(gemeinsam mit C. Hawellek)

IT-Sicherheit als Abmahnrisiko? Wettbewerbsrechtliche Probleme von Filtersoftware
IT-SICHERHEIT – Fachmagazin für Informationssicherheit und Compliance 5/2010, S. 22f.

Verkehrsverbot in der Umweltzone – Parken erlaubt?
Neue Zeitschrift für Verkehrsrecht (NZV) 2009, S. 483f.

Kein Erlöschen des Widerrufsrechts bei Mobilfunk-Vertragsverlängerungen im Fernabsatz
redaktionelle Leitsätze und Anmerkung zur Entscheidung des AG Hannover
Multimedia und Recht (MMR) 2008, S. 494f.

Rechtsvergleichende Analyse im Hinblick auf die Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2006/24/EG über die
im Auftrag des österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie; unveröffentlicht (vorgelegt von Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó,
gemeinsam mit mehreren Autoren des Instituts für Rechtsinformatik, Hannover, und des Ludwig-Bolzmann-Instituts für Menschenrechte, Wien).

Studienarbeiten im IT-Recht – Telekommunikations-Datenschutzrecht, Elektronische Signaturen und
Rechnungen, Rechtliche Aspekte von Spam, Online-Fernabsatzrecht
Herausgeberschaft und Beitrag Ist die Speicherung dynamischer IP-Adressen von Kunden, die einen Flatrate-Vertrag haben,
durch Access Provider zulässig?)
München 2007

IT-Sicherheit im Lichte des Strafrechts – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des 41. Strafrechtsänderungsgesetzes zur Bekämpfung der Computerkriminalität
München 2007 (gemeinsam mit C. Hawellek)

IT-Sicherheit und § 202c StGB – Strafbarkeit beim Umgang mit IT-Sicherheitstools nach dem 41. Strafrechtsänderungsgesetz zur Bekämpfung der Computerkriminalität
EICAR, München 2007

Vortragsreihe recht.innovativ
zu verschiedenen Themen rund um Innovation und Recht
Herfurth&Partner, Hannover, seit 2014

Was geht und was geht nicht mit Bibliotheksdaten
Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
9. KOBV-Forum, Berlin, 3.08.2011

IT Security as a Fundamental Right in Europe – and as a Justification in Competition and Intellectual Property Law?
EICAR 19th Annual Conference, Paris (Frankreich), 10.05.2010

IT-Sicherheit als unfairer Wettbewerb? Rechtsprobleme von Blocklists & Co.
Heise Forum Sicherheit und IT-Recht
CeBIT Hannover, 2.03.2010

The Cybercrime Convention and a comparative view on its transpositions
EICAR 17th Annual Conference
Laval (Frankreich), 5.05.2008 (gemeinsam mit C. Hawellek)

§ 202c und seine Auswirkungen
Bundesamt für die Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)
Bonn, 15.04.2008

Hackerparagraf & Co. – Zum Umgang mit IT-Sicherheitstools
Heise Forum Sicherheit und IT-Recht
CeBIT Hannover, 7.03.2008 (gemeinsam mit C. Hawellek)

IT-Sicherheit und § 202c StGB: Best Practice
Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien (BITKOM)
Frankfurt am Main, 5.12.2007

§ 202c StGB und seine Auswirkungen auf IT Security Maßnahmen
Kompetenznetzwerk IT-Recht
Hannover, 8.11.2007

Convention on Cybercrime and its Transposition into German Criminal Law
EICAR IT Security Summit
München, 22.10.2007

Strafbarkeit von CERT-Prozessen
Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA)
Wolfsburg, 16.08.2007 (gemeinsam mit C. Hawellek)

Dennis is a member of the following associations:


BUJ – Bundesverband der Unternehmensjuristen


DGRI – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik


GRUR – Gesellschaft für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht



indy4 – Expertengruppe Industrie 4.0 –

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